Fleur Blanche

À la mémoire de

Paul Labelle

1949 - 2025

Paul Labelle
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01 h 00 à 04 h 00 Envoyer des fleurs

Salon Lennoxville - CASS
3006, rue Du College
Sherbrooke QC J1M 1T9
819 564-1750
Google Map

We are sad to announce the passing of Paul Andre Labelle, age 75. He left us peacefully, January 17, surrounded by his loved ones.

He is survived by his son (Derek), his sisters Lise and Charlotte, and so many devoted family members and friends.

His love of family, friends, business, travel and adventure, as well as his unwavering positivity, allowed him to live a wonderful and fulfilling life that will keep inspiring us for years to come.

Celebration of life will be held at Cass Funeral Home Lennoxville on Sunday 26 January between 13h-15h.

Messages de sympathie

So sorry to hear of Paul’s passing…with deep condolences to his family and best friends.

- Daniel & Martha, le 23 janvier 2025

Lynn and I have lost a cherished friend. We loved and admired his always stimulating and fun conversation, his quick and ready sense of humor and his sharp intellect. We will miss him dearly.

- Lynn & Michelle, le 23 janvier 2025

I am heartbroken to lose my friend Paul so soon after our beautiful Joanne. He was one of a kind. We shared many a rose. “It’s a summer drink” was our inside joke since we sipped it all year. Love to Derek and the rest of the family. He will be missed. Xo

- Julie Miklosi, le 23 janvier 2025

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